Track and Field
- 2008 ranked 12th in the world in 100 meter. 7th overall in the country 12.55
- 2010 p.r 11.87s in 100 meter
Len Paddock Invitational
- 11.97s in 100 at the National Paralympic Championships
- 4th overall in country
- 2011 2nd overall ranked in country in long jump 5.53meters
- 2012 finished 3rd in the preliminary heat of the 100 meter sprinto
- Finished 2nd in the country for the long jump 6.19 meters
- 2012 ranked 3rd in the World in the long jump 6.37 meters
Wheelchair Basketball
- 3 MVP tournament trophies
- 3 best class three trophies
- 2 time All American trophies from the National Championships
- MVP Denver Branum award